Eugenia Myrtifolia

Fam. Mirtacee

with reddish foliage

Eugenia Myrtifolia becomes an evergreen shrub, with a beautiful spring flowering, followed by red, edible berries, with which sauces and jams are prepared in other parts of the world. evergreen enjoys a semi-dormant period. In late spring and summer, it produces small but very pretty flowers gathered in panicles at the apex of the branches, with deep purple buds and numerous white stamens.
present in various parts of the park

Gardens are healing, gardens are comfort and bliss, and also the beauty that becomes more and more intense over the decades. Gardens are a school of seasons and wonder. They are places of freshness on hot days and always invite visitors to reflect. Gardens are spiritual inspirations, powerful areas where exhausted and sore beings can go to safety to stop shaking.

Andrè Heller

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