Add a seat at the table

la Casa Colonica 1930

restaurant in Negombo

Hi, I'm Jack!

Welcome to my trattoria.

A cheerful brigade

Come for the view
Here the view is wonderful: you can see the whole bay, with distant boats and small people. There is even a pond, where water lilies grow and carp swim. You feel relaxed just only by describing it.
Try a whim
When you want to eat something good, but good-good, come here and sit down. Everything is fresh, prepared as Mom teaches, and served cheerfully. To be in the company of friends, or to carve out a moment for yourself.
Stay for the place
Here is a mess of different shapes, with fruit boxes as chandeliers, hanging tomato pendulums, it's hard to even find two chairs of the same color! So no formalities, at Casa Colonica you immediately feel at home.

Look at the show ... sit down and help yourself!

the colorful spaces of Casa Colonica

We are also open in the evening and admission is free. Booking possible from 48 hours in advance.

Una Seconda Natura

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